King's Bruton

The Priory Early Morning Run in Bubbles as the Sun Rises

House Activities and Competitions Cross Country

Priory House has started up an early morning running club.

Led by Mrs Simper, the 5th Form and Sixth Form girls run in separate year group bubbles. We run on a Tuesday and Friday morning each week for half an hour before breakfast, and whoever is keen meets Mrs Simper in the foyer and off we go. Most days we do the Dovecote route watching the sun rise and then we end up running around the hockey and rugby pitches or further outside of Bruton. We often meet staff dog walking, especially Mrs Checketts (Head of EAL) and  her dog Luigi, and we regularly run past some of our catering staff who are on their way into work to make our delicious breakfast.

We are really enjoying it and are hoping to have the stamina to carry on in the rain and snow.  

Emily Simper - Priory Housemistress


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