King's Bruton

L6th Form pupils explored their prospective options at the Careers Forum

Sixth Form Careers

A key date in the Sixth Form calendar at King’s is the annual Lower 6th Careers Forum. It was a delight to be able to hold this event in person again, with both parents and Lower 6th pupils in attendance.

The evening started with two excellent keynote speakers, Old Brutonians Callum Thorner and Janey de Nagle Costello. Callum talked about his pathway since King’s, gaining a university degree through Airbus’ apprenticeship scheme, where he continues to be an engineer involved in exciting, futuristic aerospace concepts. This certainly gave current King’s pupils and parents a good idea of the potential offered by degree apprenticeships, encouraging many to start exploring these as excellent options for their futures. Janey had followed a different pathway, which started with studying languages at UCL, but has since seen her move into surveying with further study at UCEM. Janey gave a most helpful and reassuring perspective on how career paths can and do evolve, whilst also selling the industry to aspirant Lower 6th Form pupils and particularly encouraging females to enter the sector. Both spoke of the value of the Old Brutonian Association for pupils exploring careers.

Following the keynote speakers, the pupils then had three hugely beneficial seminars with chosen career delegates, who covered a range of fields from charity fundraising, to journalism, videography, hospitality, healthcare, the military, law, sport, aircraft piloting and more! Pupils had a chance to ask questions and find out how they too can find their routes through fields of interest.

Meanwhile, the parents had a talk from the Deputy Head (6th Form), which gave them an overview of the different routes open to pupils after the Sixth Form and how their sons/daughters can be helped in their explorations and applications. Everything from UK and international universities, to apprenticeships, gap years and more were discussed.

With a buffet supper to close, the hall was full of questions and discussion, with it being an excellent evening for both pupils and parents.

Thanks must go to the delegates and key-note speakers who so generously gave their time to help guide pupils, and to Dr Corrigan for organising the event.

Will Daws - Deputy Head - Sixth Form

A video of the event, filmed by the pupils.

Flickr album: L6th Form Careers Forum - 21st January 2022 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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