King's Bruton

Admissions Process & Visiting the School

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King’s Bruton is non-selective, and applications are welcome from all pupils who have the potential to make the most of the wealth of opportunities that King’s Bruton can offer. You are welcome to visit the School at any time, but I would encourage you do so at least two years prior to admission. 

We are currently not running termly Open Mornings as we firmly believe that the best way to visit the School is to have an individual tour, tailor-made to your requirements. A typical visit will take between 1½ to 2 hours and include a tour of the School, a tour of one of the three girls’ or three boys’ houses and an opportunity to spend time with the Headmaster.

Should you wish to meet specific staff (Head of Sport, Director of Music, Deputy Head Sixth Form, Deputy Head Academic etc) this, too, can easily be arranged. 

Click on the documents below to view.

To arrange a visit and for all enquiries, please contact me on:
Gilly Bunday - Registrar    
Email: [email protected] or Telephone: 01749 814251.


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Private Tour

Come and have your own personalised tour around the School and meet the Headmaster.

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King's Bruton, The Plox,
Bruton, Somerset, BA10 0ED


01749 814200

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