King's Bruton

Scholarships & Bursaries

In This Section


Scholarships and Exhibitions are awarded to recognise talent and potential and we encourage boys and girls entering the 3rd Form and 6th Form to apply for our various scholarships. 

The maximum value of any non means-tested Scholarship or Award, or combination thereof, is 20% of fees. 

3rd Form Entry

Scholarships and Awards are available at 3rd Form entry in the following subjects:

  • Academic
  • Art
  • DT
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Sport

3rd Form Scholarship Application Form

Those interested should contact Admissions

Sixth Form Entry

Scholarships and Awards are available at L6th Form entry in the following subjects:

  • Academic 
  • Art
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Sport 

Sixth Form Scholarship Application Form

Those interested should contact Admissions.  

Applicants for scholarship entry into 3rd Form will only be invited for Assessment Day if the deposit has already been paid

Means tested bursaries should be applied for directly to the Bursar.

To arrange a visit and for all enquiries, please contact me on:
Gilly Bunday - Registrar    
Email: [email protected] or Telephone: 01749 814251.

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King's Bruton, The Plox,
Bruton, Somerset, BA10 0ED


01749 814200

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