King's Bruton

All Seven Boarding Houses Enjoy Joint House Night!

Boarding Life at King's

Thursday evening saw the sun shining over Hyde Field and all seven boarding houses descending there for a joint house night!

Mr Hodder & Mr Jeffrey cooked over 250 sausages on the BBQ and there were plenty of drinks available for everyone to enjoy. The recently purchased pizza oven (thanks to the Friends of King's for buying it) churned out stacks of fresh pizzas for everyone to enjoy. The Mr Whippy van enjoyed an endless queue all evening as pupils got their hands on a free ice cream! A giant game of "Lyon House Football" took place with over 100 boys on the pitch. Games of Kubb were played alongside cricket and rugby. Mr Stainton's slack line proved popular with loads of the boarders having a go at walking the tightrope. All in all it was an excellent evening of fun in the midst of a busy exam season. Tweets contianing videos and photos from the evening can be seen below.

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