King's Bruton

Recent Activities for Boarders and Day Pupils

Boarding House Activities and Competitions

Recent activities for the boarders and day pupils have been great fun...

Pupils have enjoyed weekend trips to Exeter to go shopping and also to AirHop Trampoline Centre in Bristol. Other activities in the Houses have included evening barbecues, cooking together, practising for the Inter-House Singing Competition and celebrating Burns' Night to name but a few. 

The album below, shows some highlights from the past couple of weeks.

Flickr album: House and Boarding Life | Height: auto | Theme: Default

All the latest news from the boarders can be found on Twitter:

@KSBArionHouse @KSBBlackfordHse @KSBLyonHouse @KSBNewHouse @KSBOldHouse @KSBPrioryHouse @KSBWellesleyHse

Boarding at King's is a great opportunity to make lots of new friends from different countries and cultures, and to learn new skills such as baking, and to do fun trips on weekends - Hannah, Arion House


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