King's Bruton

Fantastic to see so many pupils engaging with their education and producing such excellent work

Academic Success #KingsSpirit

It has been fantastic to see so many pupils engaging with their education and producing such excellent work throughout the Easter term.

This is currently a very challenging period for all pupils nationally, but it has been brilliant to see the commitment, determination and creativity that has been shown by so many. I am continually amazed by, not only the fantastic work ethic of so many King’s pupils, but also their willingness to extend and enrich themselves within their respective subjects.

Whilst the switch to remote learning and the changes to qualifications has presented numerous challenges for pupils, it is wonderful to see that this has not impacted the quality of work that pupils have completed. The variety of work has been nothing short of amazing! I have listened to thought provoking radio shows and podcasts, seen fantastic projects and compositions, and admired sculptures made out of vegetables!

I would like to congratulate all pupils on the work that that they have completed throughout the first half of the Easter term, and I hope that they enjoy a well deserved break!

Dan Cupit - Deputy Head, Academic

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