King's Bruton

The Sexual Health Circus came to King’s to educate pupils in a fun but sensitive way


The Sexual Health Circus came to King’s to educate our 3rd, 4th and 5th Form pupils in a fun but sensitive way...

Originally booked for June 2021, we had to wait for one of the circus performers to recover from a broken leg. It was worth the wait.

The company director is a sexual health educator and a circus performer, but soon realised the links between the two - that both require trust, communication, consent and respect. Working with a team of talented circus performers, the troupe visits schools to educate pupils on pornography, contraception, STIs, consent, healthy and unhealthy relationships, sexting (nudes), pleasure, sexuality and gender. After the show, the pupils were encouraged to write anonymous questions and they placed these in a top hat. The second half was spent with the 4 circus performers answering pupils' questions.

Pupils enjoyed receiving their Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) in a fun and engaging way. They enjoyed the dancing, music and acrobats. Particularly moving was a dance at the end, which involved the dancers trusting each other - one false move and there would have been a serious injury. This was to demonstrate the importance of trust and communication in a healthy relationship.

This is part of a series of events which aims to educate our pupils in healthy and respectful relationships.

Alison Grant - Deputy Head

Watch a few clips from the show.

Flickr album: Wellbeing - Sexual Health Circus - 24th November 2021 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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