King's Bruton

The Equalities Committee led training on gender sensitivity with the 4th Form

Wellbeing Life at King's

L6th Form Facilitator Training for 4th Form pupils...

Conversations were constructive, kind and curious today when the Equalities Committee led training on gender sensitivity with the 4th Form. Starting with an icebreaker on gender assumptions, the Lower Sixth led small group discussions on current issues around gender bias. 4th Formers were taken out of their normal tutor group environment and mixed with pupils from other Houses, to enable different opinions to be heard. Language was brought up as an example of where improvements can be made in the community, and stereotyping from a young age was also cited as something that entrenched an attitude. All groups moved the conversation forward on the importance of becoming gender sensitive and empathetic of others’ views. 

Alison Grant - Deputy Head

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