King's Bruton

International Women's Day at King's Bruton


International Women's Day at King's Bruton...

Today (8th March) is International Women’s Day and we have been thinking about inspirational women all week.

On Monday, in a special International Women's Day Assembly, staff and pupils shared which women they admired and why they had chosen that particular woman. After Assembly, the whole school were then invited to write down the name of a woman they admire and why, on a card which has been displayed outside the dining room, so that when pupils are queueing up for meals they can read them. This has proved very successful, with a wide range of women being picked from sporting, political, historical, literature and musical genres. Pupils have also picked mothers, grandmothers, sisters and matrons as inspirational women in their lives.

Today there will be a special Chapel, with a visiting preacher, and then pupils will meet in their joint House Tutor groups to discuss the following questions which the EDI (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) Committee have come up with:

  • What are the different challenges men and women face in the workplace/society?
  • What are the obstacles to achieving equality in the workplace and schools?
  • How can we as a school sensitively approach sexual harassment and inequality? 
  • Where does an individual get their ideas about gender identity change? 
  • What signs have you seen around school that people's views are changing?

Emily Simper - Head of PSHEE

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