King's Bruton

Careers Chats at Breaktime


Careers Chats at Breaktime...

This week we have been fortunate enough to welcome four professionals to King’s to speak to pupils at breaktime for 15 minutes about their careers.

On Monday, we welcomed Phil Jones, the Managing Director of Tobias Furniture telling the pupils about Business. He explained how he had arrived from South Africa at the age of 22 with £500 in his pocket and how he got involved in accountancy and managed to be able to buy a multimillion company 20 years later. He gave the pupils tips and explained how important it is to stay in a job for more than two years.

On Tuesday, we welcomed Marcus Milne-Home, a Mortgage Advisor who was able to talk about the Finance sector. He also was in the Household Cavalry so was able to explain a career in the Army and the challenges that can bring. He emphasised to the pupils that careers are not linear and that moving from one sector to another can be very beneficial.

On Wednesday, we welcomed Alice Workman from BoLee & Workman Gallery to speak to our pupils about the Art and Design sector. She shared her experience both as an Artist and then more recently as an exhibition organiser and how she had helped establish the Hauser & Wirth Gallery in Bruton. She told pupils that work experience is so vital and that they should seize any opportunities possible.

On Thursday Amanda Weeks, a local vet came to speak about the sector of Medicine and Veterinary. Amanda specialises in equine veterinary and has her own practice. Amanda emphasised that work experience is essential in this sector and that even from 4th Form, pupils should be gaining as much experience as possible.

These breaktime chats were very useful for the pupils and they really enjoyed hearing all about the different jobs.

Emily Simper - Head of PSHEE

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