King's Bruton

Careers & Higher Education Forum Proves to be a Real Hit!

Careers Events

Friday 17th January saw our annual Careers and Higher Education Forum for Lower Sixth Form pupils and their parents.

This year we had nineteen delegates proud to represent their respective professions ranging from archaeology to overseas development and marine biology. Whilst pupils visited their pre-chosen delegates in small groups, their parents listened to a talk by Mrs Vita on higher education including; the UCAS process, how to draft a personal statement, the tariff system and the implications of university tuition fees. The key points from her talk can be found on the Careers Moodle, accessed from the King’s Bruton website. Our guest speakers this year were Dr Martin Young, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Palmer and Old Brutonian, Will Shepard. Each gave an insightful, motivating and humorous talk about their personal journeys from school to their professions today.The morning was rounded off by a delicious hot lunch during which pupils and parents had a further chance to mingle and chat to the delegates and guest speakers. The event was a huge success and we would very much like to thank everybody involved for giving up their valuable time to come and speak to pupils.

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