King's Bruton

Busy Week Of Academic Events For Lower Sixth Form

Sixth Form Academic Events

It’s been a busy week for the L6th Form exploring choices for the future, with a particular focus on university options, writes Will Daws, head of Sixth Form.

Last Thursday a small group went to an Australia and New Zealand universities show, providing a great opportunity to find out about the lifestyle, study and costs of studying on the opposite side of the world. Pupils saw the potential of studying on the Great Barrier Reef with James Cook University, or near to the iconic Sydney Opera House with University of New South Wales and many more incredible opportunities.

On Tuesday the majority of the L6th Form visited a UCAS Exhibition at Westpoint Arena near Exeter. The sheer scale of the exhibition, with over 150 universities present, was an eye-opener for many to the vast array of choices out there and the need to get exploring! With shortlists created in advance, aided by the school’s new university and apprenticeship search software, Unifrog, the pupils spent a productive time talking to universities, listening to seminars and gathering heavy bags full of prospectuses and university marketing giveaways! Wednesday saw a smaller group accompany Mr Daws to the Oxford and Cambridge University Conference in Epsom. A full day of taster lectures, application guidance and information talks proved both exhausting and rewarding, but above all informative for the path ahead.

In addition Head of Sixth Form, Mr Daws attended a day conference to gain the most up-to-date information on applying to universities in a wide range countries and continents. Any parents wishing to talk through such potential options should get in touch with Will Daws.  

Will Daws - Head of Sixth Form

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