King's Bruton

Harriet & Emma from our Eco Committee gave a talk to Hazlegrove

Environmental & Eco Sixth Form

Harriet & Emma from our Eco Committee gave a talk to Hazlegrove...

Emma and I were given the opportunity to talk at an Assembly at Hazlegrove School. The pupils there wanted to hear about the Green Flag Award that King's Bruton achieved 2 years ago. We told them about the projects we did to achieve the Award: rewilding, recycling and food waste. After informing them with some of our ideas, we brainstormed what Hazlegrove could do. The pupils came up with ideas like; building a sculpture out of recycled rubbish, entering climate change competitions and ways to combat food waste.

It was great to see how enthusiastic Hazlegrove is about the environment and how informed the pupils are becoming on this topic. Emma and I were very impressed by the questions we were asked at the end by the pupils: it was very hopeful seeing the young being so enthusiastic and mature about climate change.

This year the King's Eco Committee plans to build a vegetable patch which will supply the BTEC Hospitality department with fresh homegrown produce and potentially be sold to teachers. We are also developing our rewilding further with bug homes and bird boxes.

Harriet - L6th Form Priory House & Dolphin Editorial Team

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