King's Bruton

King's pupils have been celebrating Black History Month

Community Wellbeing

King's pupils have been celebrating Black History Month...

King’s Pupils have been celebrating Black History Month by having a special raising awareness day on Wednesday 4th October. This day was a great success and a chance to really think about black people who have inspired us. In lessons, teachers managed to incorporate Black History into their curriculums, whether it was a poem in English, a discussion about slavery in French or in Psychology where they looked at birth rates in maternity hospitals in Africa. In Church, we were treated to a superb rendition of Sister Act’s ‘Hail Holy Queen’ from the Chapel Choir which was joyful, expressive and Georgie sang an incredible solo. The only think it lacked was Mr Marshfield dancing round the piano in true Whoopi Goldberg style!

In Tutor time the 3rd and 4th Form, in their Wednesday Pastoral groups, created fantastic posters about a wide variety of different Black people ranging from sports stars to politicians. At supper the Catering Department produced a delicious African feast of Beef Bobotie, Chakalaka, Atkilt Wot and the amazing dessert of South African Peppermint Crisp. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed this and a huge thanks to the Catering team for making such a special effort.

Overall, King’s had a great time raising awareness of Black History and celebrating the many achievements of black people both in the past and present.

Emily Simper - Deputy Head, Pastoral

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