King's Bruton

Art Joins Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths To Create STEAM

Art Science

Art knows no boundaries - writes Wayne Spilsbury, Head of Art.

When Art is added to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths you get STEAM! Elsie a Sixth Form artist donned protective gear and a lab coat to explore the process of acid etching with zinc plate. This is the latest in a long line of experiments with printing techniques including mono-printing, relief printing, collography and intaglio etching on acrylic sheet. The Art Department were given the go-ahead by Head of Chemistry, Dr Osborne and we were kindly and ably assisted by the Chemistry Department's talented lab technician Mr Thomas. Mr Thomas was especially intrigued to see that we still use a feather to brush away bubbles that form through the reaction - a technique hundreds of years old! We were thrilled with the result of the work which can be seen in some tweeted photos below.

Wayne Spilsbury - Head of Art

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