King's Bruton

King's Bruton pupil, Tia, talks about being awarded a prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarship

Design and Technology Careers

L6th Form King's Bruton pupil, Tia, talks about being awarded a prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarship...

The application process for the Arkwright Engineering Scholarship started in December 2020. For the first stage of the process I had to fill out an application form which would then be marked. I was asked why I wanted to go into engineering, what had inspired me, and where I saw myself in 10 years time. I was also asked to give details of a STEM project I had completed, my specific engineering interests, and any leadership roles I had previously had. I went over my answers with my parents and my teachers, ready to send it off before the due date of mid February.

Over 1000 people applied for the scholarship and completed the application form, however, this number was soon halved as applicants moved to the next stage: The Interview.

During my interview I was asked to give a 4 minute presentation which gave details of how my STEM project has progressed and my engineering interests. After that, I was asked some more questions like ‘What do you think the future of air engineering will be?’ and ‘what are some things you may have done differently on your project?’. The interview lasted about 30 minutes and after that, all I could do was wait for a response.

All of the interviews finished around June 2021, but it wasn’t until October 1st that applicants received an email telling them if they were successful or not. When I got my email, the first person I told was my best friend, and then I made sure to give the rest of my family a phone call! Soon afterwards, I attended the Virtual Awards Ceremony and then joined a Microsoft Teams meeting to meet with my sponsor and the other 3 applicants who were sponsored by the Royal Navy.

Arkwright Engineering offer the opportunity for Connect Days which will allow me to meet like-minded people, as well as learn things first hand. These will be on offer throughout the 2 years of the scholarship, and I intend to go to as many as possible. They will give me fantastic experiences which will prepare me well for the future. I will also be given a Mentor by the Royal Navy who will be able to help me learn about the different job roles I could have, as well as helping me to learn more specific things about aircraft and defence engineering.

What I’m most excited for, is how I am being given all of the tools I need to prepare me for the future, and to allow me to become more independent. As I progress through this experience, I will learn more and more, and I will be given all of the opportunities I need to ensure that I am prepared for a successful career as an engineer.

Tia - L6th Form - Priory House

I was delighted to present Tia with her Arkwright Scholarship certificate and lapel badge. This a a truly prestigious award, and is testament to Tia's enthusiasm, problem-solving skills and intellect. She should be very proud of herself, and I know Mr Griffin-Raphael, Head of DT, is  justifiably thrilled.
Well done, Tia!

Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster

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