King's Bruton

King's pupil, Amelia, is a volunteer at the Hillingdon Foodbank


Volunteering at my local Foodbank...

Since the beginning of the pandemic, in the summer of 2020, I have been a volunteer at my local foodbank in Hillingdon, West London.

The Hillingdon Foodbank is part of The Trussell Trust and is of huge importance to the Hillingdon community. I am proud to be just a small cog in this great place, helping those in the community who are still struggling from the pandemic.

When I started volunteering in the summer of the first lockdown in 2020, wanting to give physical and useful help to those in the community who were struggling due to losing their jobs and slipping under the support schemes of the government; I knew that the Foodbank would be the best place to volunteer at. It certainly was. Not only did I begin to understand how valuable the Foodbank is within the community; I also met new people and talked with those from all walks of life. This has continued the longer I’ve volunteered, and so not only have I developed more compassion; I have also enjoyed my work. The jobs I do at the Foodbank vary from packing food parcels with lists allocated by the local council, dating items that have been donated by local churches, schools and businesses (most notably, a novel ten-year out-of-date tin of spam and a half-eaten chocolate bar, among other unusual items). I also do admin work to ensure everyone who needs a food parcel is receiving one, and parcels are not being wasted.

While volunteering at the Foodbank I have developed new skills such as empathy and understanding, as well as organisation. In addition, I have been able to feel I have engaged in society and have done something very different from the bubble that is school and exams. Therefore, I am grateful for the time I have spent volunteering and hope to continue meeting new people and helping others at the Foodbank.

Amelia - L6th Form Wellesley House

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