King's Bruton

A remarkable term of Music at King's Bruton

Concert Music

This term has been quite remarkable for Music at King’s.

In particular, having to adapt to working within considerable restrictions and adapting to COVID-safe measures. It has astounded me just how skilfully our musicians and staff have adapted to the situation.

The Winter Concert provides a glimpse of what the year group bubbles have achieved in half the usual allocated rehearsal time, and without the support of their friends in other year groups. All recording was, of course, kept within year group bubbles, but in pieces where forces have been combined, technology has been used to create a final mix in the recording studio.

As many ensembles as possible feature, along with a good mix of solo items. Well done and congratulations to all the performers and teachers involved. I am also indebted to Mr Higgs and Mr Tupman for all their hard work capturing the video and audio footage, and also to Mrs Warren for her amazing work in piecing the entire concert together.

Ashley Marshfield - Director of Music

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