King's Bruton

Artists Enjoy Pottery Workshop & Trip To Roche Court

Art Educational Trips

On Thursday morning, all the 4th Form and L6th Form artists had a ceramic workshop with local professional potter Hiro Takahashi, followed by a trip in the afternoon to the incredible Roche Court Sculpture Park for the 4th Form.

The chosen theme for the day was “Coral” and in the pottery workshop all the pupils were encouraged to explore form, colour and texture to create some fascinating responses. They were asked to experiment with a large variety of different tools and slips. The pupils ended up with some fascinatingly complex and intriguing results. Our fingers are crossed for them all surviving the firing!

After lunch, the 4th Form artists travelled to Roche Court Sculpture Park near Salisbury. We were greeted by the familiar and friendly team and taken on an educational tour of the gardens. Frequently our guide stopped and informed the pupils about the work allowing them to record visual. There was plenty to see and not enough time to see it all! However, the experience has given the pupils plenty of inspiration for their forthcoming work. There was some excellent pieces on display with the variety meaning that there was something for everyone’s taste. An album of photos from the day can be seen below.

Seamus Harkness - Art Teacher

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