King's Bruton

Debating - "This House believes that ‘Cancel Culture’ does more harm than good"

Debating House Activities and Competitions

The first debate of the term got off to a great start...

In the first debate of the academic year, Arion House proposed a motion of ‘This House believes that ‘Cancel Culture’ does more harm than good’, whilst New House opposed the motion. It was fantastic to introduce 3rd and 4th Form pupils to Debating at King’s, and they impressed with their research and presentation of their respective arguments. It was also great to see senior pupils express their thoughts so clearly and provide great examples of how to debate and provide an effective rebuttal. This was a challenging motion, but both teams researched well, provided some thought provoking arguments and demonstrated significant strengths in public speaking. Whilst Arion were judged to be the winners, both teams deserve huge credit for launching debating at King’s this term with such strength and passion. Well done to all involved and I look forward to the next debate!

Dan Cupit - Deputy Head, Academic

It was a privilege to adjudicate the intellectual and fast moving first round of the School Debate. The topical subject, focusing on Cancel Culture doing more harm than good, was proposed by Wellesley House, and they argued that it should be left to the court of law to determine justice, not internet trolls hiding behind the anonymity of the web and creating a fake news. Opposing was Priory House, who argued that it was important to call out the untouchables and that Cancel Culture incites social change. Examples were given, including the Me Too movement and the recent racial injustices seen after the George Floyd murder.

Alison Grant - Deputy Head

Flickr album: Debating First Prelim - 27th September 2021 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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